2.0 is a GO, just say NO!
Driving this WINTER is a NO NO this season!
Our dedicated team pushed up our 2.0 Version for BidMyVid® and we could not be more excited to tell you about it! It is 12:20am on October 27th 2021 and our TEAM IS UP and burning the mid-night oil! Our development team is making necessary connections to ensure a smooth transition for the latest and greatest in TIME-SAVING tools for TOOL-BASED businesses!
Here’s what’s NEW:
- UI UPGRADE: Can we just say…. LOOKS do COUNT! Ok, ok, so our BETA and 1.0 versions were very “Honda Civic” and proved the technology worked and had a demand. So the biggest visual change is the VISUAL INTERFACES for our 2.0 rollout! Can I just say, it is B-E-A-UTIFUL! The UI updates complement the sleek and fast response to our simple business tool.
- NOTIFICATIONS: We know, notifications are a MUST! But in our BETA and 1.0 we really worked on the VIDEO scalability and ability to upload in length and convert between iOS and Android platforms of many versions. Once we got the biggest kink worked out on the BEST FEATURE EVER, we moved to other standard features that our users have been asking for!
- BUG FIXES: As always, there are BUGS in technology. It is NEVER BROKEN, but instead programmed to do what we want. So, now that leave me with questions. What do you want? As service businesses and professionals, having a dedicated team ready and able to build your dreams desire when it comes to support tools for tool-based businesses, our growing list of features will be determined by the needs shared. That is how we will go from here as we move towards what the community needs as a whole.
Download BidMyVid® today and save the drive tomorrow!