Protect Your Contracting Business From Unnecessary Costs

by Stephen Pucek

October 30, 2021



Managing a contracting business has the opportunity to be extremely profitable when we save time and maximize our hourly rate.

In this blog we will discuss the unnecessary costs contractors take on as well as ways to reduce the time spent without getting paid and increasing the total amount of jobs you’ll be available to complete.

The costly side of free estimates

Providing free estimates has been the standard for many years. It’s expected that contractors will drive job site to job site to provide competing bids. This process is all set in place for the client to determine which company is going to win the project.

While free estimates are a great way to meet potential customers and evaluate the project. Unfortunately we don’t win every job after providing a free estimate. Leaving the contractors spending money however not making it back.

If a client receives 3 bids and only selects 1 contractor for their project that means 66% of the time contractors aren’t making money.

What’s the cost of losing a free estimate?

Lead fee: Did you pay a lead company for this opportunity? If so, how much did they cost your business?

Your Time: How much do you charge hourly? $100 an hour?

Gas: Average gas prices are $3.50.

The cost of free estimates quickly add up. If we lost 10 hours a month and 150 miles of driving there’s over a thousand dollars that didn’t need to be lost in the business.

Let’s talk about how to keep this money in your business!

Your hourly rate and the value of time

How many quotes can your business complete in a day?

Every time we step into the truck to provide an estimate site unseen we are rolling the dice. It can be a costly gamble for us.

If you were to provide 10 estimates on average, then how many of those estimates are going to turn into jobs that pay your bills?

When you provide a bid there is a lot of information that goes into it, from your equipment cost to your hourly rate, your travel time and your customer’s budget.

When we implement tools that provide the ability to review the job site virtually you’ll be able to see the job site and provide a bid before ever stepping onto the property. This will assist your business in winning more projects and increase your profits as you’re not spending so much time on the road to provide estimates.

This effectively increases the value of your time as you’re much more efficient.

Tips for contractors to reduce expenses

With the traditional way of business we’d drive out to provide an estimate. This has us spending more time driving and less time spent working and making money.

Not every customer is a good fit for our business and it’s nice to know this before we drive to their location.

We want to make sure we are providing the best quality of work and we can’t if we’re wasting time and money on customers who don’t want us there.

It’s always helpful to provide tools for clients to effectively communicate the needs of their project. When a client has a hard time communicating their idea of what they want and what needs to be done it opens the door for miscommunications. Using videos will allow your clients to better communicate their needs and saves you time because then you know that those customers are interested in you as a company and not just the free estimate.

This contractor application is the solution

BidMyVid is the application that every contractor needs. Within a few clicks of a button, you can review the job site on your phone ,provide a free estimate, ask questions about the project to be sure it’s a good fit for your company, submit a bid for the project with complete confidence, and have that bid accepted. You not only save time but money as well. With this time savings you’ll be able to provide more bids than ever before increasing the amount of job opportunities you have.

Start your FREE trial of BidMyVid today. Saving yourself the drive is worth it!

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BidMyVid 2.0 – The App Every Contractor Needs

by Stephen Pucek

October 29, 2021



We are excited to share the launch of BidMyVid 2.0! Enhancing our platform to enhance your business.  Make sure you launch your application to see the new enhancements for yourself.

Apple Update –
Android Update –

BidMyVid 2.0 Launch Details
UI Upgrade

With Version 1.0 we focused on functionally over appearance to start helping contractors save time as soon as possible. With version 2.0 you’ll find the new UI to resemble an application of the modern age with familiar navigation, extremely fast load times and a streamlined user experience. 


We understood the feedback for the necessity to receive a notification when a new job has been uploaded.  You will now receive notification every time a new job is uploaded to BidMyVid. If you are not receiving notification please check your notification settings on your mobile device. for assistance please reach out to

Messaging updates

The 2 way messaging board during the bidding process is immediate like a text message. Clients will now be able to upload additional videos for clarification during the bidding process. 

Service profile enhancement 

Contractors now have the ability to update and change their service provider profile. If you’ve wanted to change the video associated or description of your business you’ll now have access to do so. 

If you have any questions about the updates to BidMyVid please do not hesitate to reach out. We are all here for the success of your business. 

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Construction Project Complete: What Comes Next?

by Stephen Pucek

October 28, 2021



Design Phase

The first thing to do is assess the size of the project. This will help you find its cost and give you enough information to create an estimate. Cost can be important for some people. Once you’ve provided your estimate and agree to the construction plan, the next steps are to schedule, review the materials selection to ensure you are ready to complete the project as proposed.

Construction Phase

Before the project starts, materials need to be checked to ensure that they are readily available and ordered.

The contractor then reviews the site before starting construction to ensure everything is ready. Inspections should include all area’s that will be involved in the construction process.

Post Construction Phase

Once the job is completed it’s important that you take pictures and videos of the construction site. This will allow you to share the pre construction phase as well as what the job looked like after final inspection. This information is critical to assist with winning future construction contract.

Documenting the pre-construction and post construction photo’s works as a rolling portfolio for customers to view.

Now that you have all the photo’s from the site. Contractors should take the time to follow-up with the customer to ensure that they are satisfied with the work that was provided. It’s also important to reach out to the customer for future referrals and potential projects.

If you’re looking for an easy way to facilitate these business best practices learn more at

Set yourself up for success with future construction projects

Business growth happens at a higher rate when we increase our client retention rates. This is no different when working as a general contractor. You’re an expert in the construction industry.

How do we naturally increase our customer retention without pestering the customer? We do this through education! You are the expert of your craft. Help your customers become on the same page. Through the power of email and text messages we can very easily remind our clients about seasonal projects such are blowing out sprinklers, maintaining the air conditioning.

If you need assistance setting up an email outreach please reach out to

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