“A wish is a desire with belief that it will be done, not DESTROYED.”
@The Fix It Queen
Wishes get DESTROYED in anger from missed expectations.
From simple repairs to a complete design project, the way the project is communicated in “examples” and in steps to deliver those expectations is CRUTIAL. All aspects of the WISH LIST and the expectations on both sides being expressed and understood will dissipate any frustration before it’s created.
When contractors destroy their hard work it can be for a number of reasons. Non-payment is the main reason and that comes with patterns of withholding payments until the desired outcome is gained. One would think that holding a payment until work is corrected is ok. Unfortunately withholding the entire final phase of payment can lead to DESTRUCTION! On the other hand, withholding a margin of warranty could be a middle ground. If the phase called for 50/50 in an example, it would be expected that the contractor would want the 50% upon completion.
But, what if there is an issue with the work performed? Well, should there be a dispute in quality or delivery of the work, a middle ground could be to release the material costs and discuss the other budgets or allow it to go to civil dispute. If a contractor is unable to discuss budgets and margins it could be a red flag. Generally contractors do not think about disputes or the cost of them and often have vague terms or clarity of expectations outlined contractually and this can be a red flag as well.
Contractors that have a low-hourly rate are more likely to become upset if payment is withheld or other issues arise after or during the work phases. This is because cashflow is usually imbalanced and the timing of phase payments and the delay of them could create hardship.
For service businesses that operate with a fully marginalized business but fail to reserve the margins, the same issues can arise as the low-rate contractor. This is because on a corporate level the company may have fiscal irresponsibility that leads to high turnover and constant management changes. There are plus and minus aspects to working with both small and large contractor organizations. The biggest key to protecting the WISH so that it becomes what is expected it to ensure 2 assessable aspects.
A quality contractor (Big or Small) will understand how to prepare a bid with concise steps as to what the are doing and how the plan on doing it as well as price-points that include not only material and labor, but margins for set up, clean up, administration support, marketing, warranty, profit and other allocations that help the business sustain over time. This is usually calculated in the hourly rate verses separate items on the bid.
Aspect 1: Are rates LOW, MID or HIGH? Each level equals a different picture as to the longevity of the warranties and quality of execution with ties to the 2nd aspect.
Aspect 2: How long has the company sustained?
Small contractors can be in business for decades but still have high-turnover in CLIENT return which causes them to have QUICK availability. Though this is not always the case when it comes to simple service and repair needs, this is more relevant to projects and the scheduling of them.
Small contractors that tend to schedule out 2-4 weeks or more are generally sustained in repeat clients and offer a deeper quality of work so the schedule stays full. Be weary of the contractor that does not care about the image of the small company, that can be an indicator of the work not execution in a less than professional quality of delivery.
Large and Mid-Size contractors can be in business for decades but still have high-turnover in EMPLOYEE retention which is an indicator of potential fiscal misappropriation. Companies that have long-time staff offer culture and compensation that allows for continued engagement. Watch out for companies that continually have NEW hires and no processes of quality to duplicate the service expectations.
The reality is that small businesses often fail to marginalize the cost of TIME. This leads to a stand-off in final phases of work where contractors may destroy the installed work or attempt to repossess it out of frustration. Wishes are best in creation when the contractor and client have a CLEAR idea of expected results of the shared WISH of the client. Contractors should be able to extrapolate the tasks to a schedule that is tied to the availability of the products and materials.
What better way to communicate YOUR NEEDS than through the most descriptive and powerful tool, video! Using BidMyVid® allows for communication in the easiest manner. SPEAK your expectations and desires! Communicate on the highest level the needs you have. This empowers your contractor with an eyes-on-site opportunity to fully understand your request.
Remodel projects and repairs start from desire. Communication of the outcome by how it feels and looks is important. Wish lists are a great way to start discussions with your contractor. Finding “looks like” examples to communicate your wish list will allow your contractor to reference supply sources in a way to determine what is available as a solution to your request.
As your request is assessed, your are more apt to receive a better comparison of project price points as each service professional has the same variables of information provided your your detailed narration of your repair or remodel needs. The power of video is the way to offer so much to users an experience that fosters a depth of aligning service needs with service delivery in a closer expression to the desired outcome.