It has gone from BIG to HUGE and now it is GRAND!
We are excited to share with the community what began as a BIG Announcement, turned into something truly HUGE and now had developed into a GRAND OPPORTUNITY! In the live broadcast from Friday 3/25/2022 we let you in on something that has become GRAND that is BUILT for you! On this journey of dreams you have watched an unfolding and are on this page and opportunity as an inner circle of connection that has helped us get there. From your support across the social media platforms to in-person and more, you have been there every step of the way.
Now is the time! It could be more perfect on the heels of the Federal Trade Commission filing charges on Home Advisor aka Angi Home Services for hurting contractors with predatory practices in early March 2022, to join us in this mission to continue changing the way services are shared. With the rise in gas prices and growing demand for service and repair needs upon us this spring and summer, you can BE THE CHANGE you wish to see! Over the next few weeks we will keep you in the loop of details as we make the campaign LIVE for you, your friends and family.
As a platform that has been funded by Contractors for Contractors and the friends and family that support them, it makes perfect sense to offer this opportunity that has turned into something GRAND! Enter your email below and we will be sure to keep you posted when the campaign goes LIVE in April 2022!
Today is the day that we share the unfolding and continuation of something that was BIG turned HUGE but now has grown to be GRAND! Join us Friday 3/25/22 at 5pm MST to learn more on how this can be something beyond GRAND! It truly does BRING MORE VALUE than we imagined.
From our 1 year anniversary in business on 3/2/22, where we celebrated with over 100 early adaptors on the BidMyVid® app and blessed 37 Signs, LLC. in Cedar Rapids, IA. with a Decal design and Graphics Package to the following week announcing something BIG, it keeps getting better.
The BIG news delivered on 3/15/22 was something we never thought about but it is happening! That BIG NEWS became something HUGE as Westword Denver honored us by featuring BidMyVid® in a 2-Page spread and article as they felt we are THE BEST OF DENVER so why not put us in their largest publication to showcase all that the great city of DENVER, CO. has to offer!
As this unfolds, know it is all for YOU!
Afterall, it was BUILT for you! Contractors and Community alike, we are excited to share something GRAND in the works that is in the WORKS to give time back and add to EVERYONES bottom line!
What is the bottom line? Well, we like to call it FREEDOM. That is what it is. The quest for earning so much that freedom comes automatic! It is a beautiful thing as it will do just that! On the heels of the outing of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) pressing charges on the one of the largest predators in the water to community and Contractors, Home Advisor, is no friend or help when it comes to getting repairs and remodel work done!
This is going to be even better than we imagined as the news of the GOLIATH hurting the DAVID of the communities is now coming to an end! We shall circle the wagons and become GRAND together.
It keeps rolling to great things and tonight at 5pm MST we get to share with you how you can Be The Change you wish to see and experience.
See you all at 5pm and over the next weeks as we AFFECT the community TOGETHER!
We are just 24 hours away from a GRAND announcement that can create value for EVERYONE involved. We are excited to share with the community and contractors the details to come!
Perfectly timed following the HUGE news from last week regarding Westword Denver Magazine and the BEST of DENVER edition and the BIG news from the week previous, this is going to BE GRAND!