FTC Charges HOME ADVISOR and I am in TEARS as I have lived this abuse and aim to CHANGE the way services are shared.
“The FTC’s complaint against HomeAdvisor alleges that since at least the middle of 2014 it has made false, misleading, or unsubstantiated claims about the quality and source of the leads the company sells to service providers, such as general contractors and small lawn care businesses, who are in search of potential customers.”
I shared in the Live Broadcast yesterday announcing our 2-Page Spread in Westword Magazine to share the story of BidMyVid® and something that is HUGE for us all…. and today I see that FTC is right there with our team! BidMyVid.com/HUGE is where you can join us on this journey to remove PREDATORS from the services marketplace…. No more Home Advisor EVER!
Our service business, 303-CareFree Service Solutions, began to crumble at the end of 2015 and was completely DEAD by 2018. The carnage caused by Home Advisor was irreversible. The devastation from them lead to heartache and soon divorce from their destructive practices.
Our BidMyVid® startup team has been seeking retribution for YEARS and we are ready to circle the wagons of the contracting community to change the way services are shared. Home Advisor is not a friend to home owners or the Community.
Home Advisor HURTS all who use them to ask for help as they HURT deeply the contractors that are there to serve the community with their skills. It is bitter sweet and Home Advisor is now exposed in a way to beyond our dreams to show how they have HURT so many service providers and service families.
Home Advisor is a wolf in sheep clothing and they kept changing their name. IAC (Interactive Media Corporation) is their stock ticker and they bought Service Magic 1st to change their wolf attire. They rebranded to Home Advisor; then Home Advisor bought Angi’s List once their PREDATORY practices started to come to light as they changed to Angi Home Services. But changing the “shell” didn’t change the practices used in their businesses. Home Advisor is BAD NEWS and now we have GREAT NEWS from the FTC as they file charges on Home Advisor for their predatory practices.
We are one and the pain is stopping and healing can and will happen starting with BidMyVid®. As we take time to understand what was LIES as the truth that Home Advisor aka Angi cant hide from it will become clear as to the solutions that BidMyVid® offers in ways to BRING MORE VALUE. Home Advisor aka Angi can’t get away from what is NOW the truth for all to see. Now many families can avoid what heart ache my family suffered.
On this day, March 16th, 2022, I am BLESSED, we are blessed and the pain shall be no more from Home Advisor. They tried so hard to change their brand or buy companies just to put in the same predatory practices under a different vail. But it is over, Home Advisor is DONE and small businesses shall win. Together we are the “DAVID” that will sustain through the pain caused and take down this GOLIATH that causes so much hardship.
As I write this in deep tears of joy it is on the wake of tears from PAIN caused by HOME ADVISOR, our team celebrates. They bought Angie’s List and changed her to be a monster. Angi is the same as Home Advisor, they are built on abuse and practices that rip off the community in so many ways. Home Advisor shall face the charges from the FTC / Federal Trade Commission because it is more than a violation, it is community rape on business and personal levels.
As we prepare to share HUGE news with Westword telling the story, the pain is over and healing is happening from all the ravage caused by Home Advisor.