Westword Magazine is making a HUGE deal out of it!
Tuesdays are our TEAM DELIVERABLES meetings that we have EVERY WEEK. But… this week was different because we followed it with an interview with Colorado Springs Business Podcast aka #COSPodcast with Andrew Hazzlee.
It was deep and full of things developing for you! In less than 3 short weeks we will get to share with you the HUGE things that are in the works for you!
Last week we shared the BIG news about the 2-page spread with Westword Magazine featuring BidMyVid® in a 2-Page editorial in the April 2022, Best of Denver edition. To crest that, they will have details of a HUGE secret. But for now, we just wanted to share with you that it keeps unfolding in a way to be beyond imagination. We look forward to sharing more in the next couple weeks and we look forward to slices of moments coming from the COS Podcast Host as we see the video content he assisted with tonight!
Join us on our Facebook LIVE Broadcast on 3/25 as we share even more that will improve the lives of millions across the nation!
It’s only getting bigger and soon you will see just how HUGE it is! Westword has a SECRET and we’ll get to tell you more in our livestream!
Join Us in the LIVESTEAM on 3/25 at 5pm to see how HUGE this is getting! Afterall, it’s BUILT for you!
It’s only getting bigger and soon you will see just how HUGE it is! Join Us in the LIVESTEAM to see how HUGE this is getting! Afterall, it’s BUILT for you!
In the past week and weeks I have been making a stink about how BIG of a deal this is. What is the BIG deal anyway? Well, it has become quite HUGE as Westword Magazine has chosen BIDMYVID for an editorial in a HUGE 2-PAGE spread. It is more than an app platform, it is a solution to so many pains that service contractors face, and that’s why.
As the journey unfolded it was stemmed from trials that CRUSHED the hearts and dreams of a service business that truly cared. (303) CareFree was growing and as it did, what was not known became deeply known. The lessons cut deep like a scalpel that hit the bone. Destroying a happy family was what was left in the WAKE of greed from Home Advisor and it’s predatory practices. The destruction paved the way for innovation to come to alleviate all the PAIN and SUFFERING that comes with chasing LEADS. Leads only LEAD to LOSS. There is a new and better way to seek opportunities and have them waiting for service professionals.
With BidMyVid® having an easily adaptable function that is “READY OUT OF THE BOX” service professionals are able to save time like never before. Not only are they able to bypass the scrupulous “LEAD FEE”, but they can also reduce overhead with the use of BidMyVid® as a simple part of their daily service process. Seeing what is needed before arrival can help service providers come prepared and reduce the amount of time in trips taken over the course of a project.
But, that is not what is truly HUGE about this BIG deal of Westword doing a 2-Page editorial on BidMyVid®. What comes next from their team is the big kahuna of HUGE and it involves YOU as it was built for you.
Visit BidMyVid.com/HUGE as we continue updates there to share when they will be publishing the HUGE details!
From what Westword said, this publication is HUGE and they have a HUGE plan to assist the community and contractors that service it.
Westword Said… It’s BIG!
Actually, they said….
BIG is an understatement because this IS A GAME CHANGER! Each day we get closer to sharing with you the grand news that was BUILT for you!
Are you coming? You have been following the journey and unfolding, we want you to be ON this journey and we are 11 days away from sharing even more about how that looks!
From there we are days out from the BIGGEST unfolding for Contractors and the Community! For now, stay tuned to our BIG page because this next one is for you!